

第1个回答  2023-01-08

在朋友面前我不禁感到羞愧用英语是:I can't help feeling ashamed in front of my friends



羞愧的相关短语:羞愧的 ashamed ; hangdog ; shame shame ful ; abashed;感到羞愧 Ashamed ; be ashamed of ; to crawl under a rock ; wither;学业羞愧 academic shame;羞愧感 feeling of shame ; Shame ; shame;令人羞愧 shameful;羞愧于 Shame on;羞愧地 shamefacedly ; blushingly ; in shame;羞愧恐惧 Shameful Fear。

羞愧的英语例句:Her father and her brothers would die of shame.她父亲和她的兄弟们会羞愧死。There is a sense of shame, sometimes carried to extremes.心中有羞愧感,有时候甚至无地自容。Pamela was unrepentant about her strong language and abrasive remarks.帕梅拉对自己那些脏话和伤人的言辞一点也不感到羞愧。

He would not let neighbours shame him into silence.邻居们试图想让他自感羞愧而从此闭口,他是不会乖乖就范的。 They feel shame and guilt as though it is their fault.他们觉得羞愧和内疚,就好像这是他们的错。I was ashamed at my clumsiness and insensitivity.我为自己的笨拙和麻木不仁感到羞愧。
