

第1个回答  2022-10-11
问题一:我的校园经历 英文怎么翻译 my experiences in the campus

问题二:在学校生活中,我经历了许多比赛怎样用英语说、 In school life, I have experienced many petitions.

问题三:校园英文怎么写 校园 [xiào yuán]
校园:campus|campus n.|schoolyard

问题四:校内实践经历在英文简历里用英语怎么说就是比如担任 校内实践经历在的英文翻译_百度翻译
School practice experience experience_百度翻译
experience 英[?k?sp??ri?ns] 美[?k?sp?ri?ns]
n. 经验,体验; 经历,阅历;
vt. 感受; 亲身参与,亲身经历; 发现;
[例句]He has also had managerial experience on every level

问题五:校园生活用英语怎么说 school life

问题六:在准备英文简历,一下的校园经历请帮我用英文翻译出来,不要机翻,语言简洁,谢谢 2010--2012年:校勤工助学部,干事
2010--2012: Served as an secretary/assistant in the Work-study Department of the University
Assisting the Director in organizing the appraisal and selection of poor students eligible for grant-in-aids, and in sorting out the data for grant-in-aids and list of students for appraisal, in which I improved my ability in sorting out data and further familiarized myself with office software as Word, Excel etc.
Assisting theinstructor/supervisor in dispensing thegrant-in-aids, which cultivated my prudence and carefulness in work.
Taking part in backstage work for two sessions of work-study evening parties and won both the outstanding organization awards of the university, which enhanced my ability in organization and team work and munication.
2008--2010: Served as text and block editor in the editorial department of the University
Sorting out students’ submissions, selecting and reviewing excellent articles which correspond to the topic of the publication, which enhanced my ability in wording and literary appreciation.
Taking part in pilation and text layout of the university magazine and newspaper, which strengthened my literary aptitude and ability in writing and piling.
Assisting the Dir......>>

问题七:让校园充满绿色用英文怎么说 Make the campus green

问题八:“我在XX学校读书”用英语怎么说? 当然是at了,在大地名前用in,在小地名前一般用at,当然也有特殊情况了。如果school前面有形容词或者做前置定语的名词时就要用要用in,二者有时可以互换,但必须是I 海tudy at・・・school。