

第1个回答  2022-10-23
I’m going through it right now.,此时此刻我正经历着这件事,Last night,就在昨晚,one of our 3 family dogs,我家的三只狗狗中的一只,was hit and killed by a car,被一辆车撞了,当场死亡,in front of my mother’s house.,就在我妈妈的屋子门口,The dogs became,,这些狗狗早已,more or less,,或多或少的,my mother’s surrogate children,成为母亲的干儿子干女儿,after her human children grew up,她亲生的孩子们都已经长大,and moved out,从家里搬了出去,and my father ran with a midlife crisis,而我的父亲,遭遇中年危机时逃走,and left her.,离开了她,The one that was killed,而失去的那条狗,had bonded with my mom,与我母亲感情深厚,far more than the others.,远超过另外两只,She is devastated.,母亲近乎崩溃,I loved the dog,,我也很喜欢那条狗,but my true sadness currently,但此刻,我真正的心痛,stems from,源于,having to watch my mother endure another tragedy,不得不眼睁睁看着母亲经受另一场悲剧,after everything she has been through in her life.,而她在一生中已经经历了那么多苦难,In the midst of all of this,这场灾难的阴影之中,I have to sincerely applaud the driver of the vehicle ,,我不得不对肇事车辆的司机心生赞叹,which feels wrong,,他无比愧疚,but it’s not.,但事故其实并不是他的错,I’ll start by stating it was not his fault.,我会从这里说起,首先,这确实并不是他的错,The dog chased a deer into the road at night.,那天夜里,那条狗追着一只鹿,冲到了马路上,In an effort to not hit the deer with his car,司机竭力避免车撞到鹿,he swerved,,猛一转头,not seeing the dog,,却没有看到狗,resulting in her death.,于是造成了狗的死亡,He could have very easily continued on his way,,他本可以十分利索的重新上路,but he did something,他却做了一件事,that I hope I never fet.,我希望我永远不会忘记,He did the right thing (in my eYes).,他做了一件正确的事(在我看来),The driver pulled over,,司机停到路旁,carefully wrapped our dog in a blanket,十分小心的用毯子裹住我们的狗,he got from his car,毯子是他从车里拿的,to preserve her dignity,,为了保存它最后的尊严,and carried her up to my mother’s front door.,然后把它带到了母亲住所的大门前,He was visibly shaking,他全身颤抖,目力可见,and very upset.,神情十分悲伤,He informed my mother of what happened,他向我母亲告知了事情经过,and she broke down immediately.,她立即情绪崩溃,He consoled her,他安慰她,the best a Stranger could,尽一个陌生人所能的,and waited with her,然后陪她一同等待,while my sister rushed to her house.,直到我姐姐赶来了母亲家,He left his information,他留下了自己的姓名和联系方式,and offered assistance in anyway he could.,提出自己会尽其所能,以任何方式提供帮助,Yes,,没错,he is the man who hit and killed our dog,是他撞死了我们的狗,- accidentally.,但这是一场意外,What he really did,但他真正做到的,was spare my mother,,是让我的母亲免于,and potentially my sister,,可能也同样让姐姐免于,from stumbling upon a horrible scene themselves while searching for the dog.,发现狗狗不见,出门寻找时撞见惨不忍睹的场面,He had so many options.,他原本有那么选择,Options that were far easier than what he chose.,这些选择都比他最终的抉择要轻松便宜的多,He did the right thing,他做了正确的事情,and for that,,为此,thank you, Stranger.,谢谢你,陌生人,You restored my faith in humanity.,你恢复了我对人性的信任
