用一般过去式,写一篇关于princess penny的英语故事?


第1个回答  2022-11-05
Once there was a princess,very proud of her own identity that noble,who never looked down on as inferior.One day,the princess,acpanied by bodyguards out of the palace,the princess is fun,the results with the guards got separated.Days slowly dark princess is frightened,crying loudly,a ragged old woman came from,to see the princess in this cry,they asked the reason,Finally took her to his room after a rotten grass night,this night,the princess though unfortable,but still very grateful to the woman,the next day,the old lady who only used a penny ,bought a piece of cake to the princess,and told her to stay here,the old woman went out on a scavenger of.
King knew the Princess was gone,many people sent out to find,and quickly found the princess.Princess back after the old woman touched her much about it,she felt that the previous approach is very hateful ideas,so,from that day,the princess began to change its own,and find the woman rewarded her a lot of money.And help the poor.Since then,a true princess to live a wonderful life.
希望对你有用.,3,用一般过去式,写一篇关于princess penny的英语故事