

第1个回答  2022-10-09
一、详细释义: , adj. , 合成的,人造的 , 例句: ,Plastics spearheaded the advance in synthetic materials.,塑料是合成材料发展的先导。, 例句: ,Cotton is a natural fiber, but rayon and nylon are synthetic.,棉花是天然纤维,但人造丝和尼龙却是人造的。, 综合的 , 例句: ,In general, these series of package policy is synthetic treatment in Chinese herb formula.,总的来说,这些一揽子政策有点类似中药配方的综合治疗。, 例句: ,Universities were the ideal place to encourage "critical, synthetic thinking".,大学是鼓励“批判性、综合性思维”的理想场所。, 摹拟的,虚构的 , 例句: ,Counterfeit rhetoric flourishes when passions are synthetic.,当 *** 非真诚时,虚伪的辞令便滔滔不绝。, n. , 合成物,合成纤维,合成剂 , 二、词义辨析: , artificial,false,synthetic,man-made ,这些形容词均有“人造的,非自然的”之意。artificial指模仿天然材料由人工制造的东西,侧重真伪对比。false指因缺失而补上的替代物,有时也指伪装的。synthetic与artificial近义,但前者强调通过化学作用或化学处理把几种物质复制成与原材料截然不同的新产品。man-made指完全用人工制造,不含仿造和真伪对比的意味。, 三、相关短语: ,synthetic resin,n. 合成树脂,synthetic rubber,n. 合成橡胶,synthetic fiber,n. 人造纤维, 四、参考例句: ,synthetic fibres,合成纤维,Plastics spearheaded the advance in synthetic materials.,塑料是合成材料发展的先导。,This synthetic dress material does not crush.,这种合成纤维衣料不会起皱。,This shelf was made of synthetic resin.,这个架子是合成树脂做的。,Synthetic fabric is inferior to cotton fabric.,合成纤维织物不如棉织品好。,The stockings are made of synthetic materials.,这双长袜是由合成材料制成的。,The basin is made of synthetic resin.,这个盆是用合成树脂做的。,Synthetic fibre is used in many fields.,合成纤维现应用于许多领域。,Some synthetic materials do not crush easily.,有些合成材料不易变形。,This is a fast-drying synthetic pigment.,这是一种易干的合成颜料。