

第1个回答  2023-08-23
考试日期: 2023年3月2日 Part 1考题总结 考题总结: Personal information & Introduction What’s your name? Are you a student? What is your major? Do you think the major is useful? Are you working? Do you have driving license? Will you teach your child to drive? How was your first day at work? Is the first day at work important? Why? When do you usually get up? Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits? Hometown Where are you from? Where’s your hometown? Where do you live? Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prefer? What’s on your apartment’s wall? How to improve your home? Which room do you like most? If you can redesign your home, what would you do? What’s your flat like? What’s on the wall? What can you see from your window? Are there any fitness facilities near your home? How often do visitors visit your home? Tell me about your city. What historical places would you recommend to see there? What culture events would be interesting for tourists? When should they start to teach culture history, history of art at schools? How’s the traffic around your home? What do you like most about your hometown? Are bicycles popular in your hometown? Do you like to live beside the seaside? What are the facilities in your community? Weather and Season How’s the weather in China? Does weather affect people’s work performance? Jobs Why did you choose this career? Do many Chinese people shift jobs in a year? Do people perform differently at work in summer and winter? Would you like to change your job in the future? Why? Do you think your job is easy? Why? What are the facilities you usually use at work? Is your job interesting? Education Which university are you in? Why did you choose this university? What’s your major? Why did you choose it as your major? Is your major difficult? What do you want to do after graduation? Do you need any special facilities in your school subjects? What do you like most about your school? Which language do you speak? Do you want to learn another language? Who can learn a foreign language better? The elderly or the young? Do girls learn a foreign language more quickly than boys? What’s your suggestion on language learning? What’s the most difficult part of language learning? Do you prefer individual learning or group learning? Food & Cooking Who usually cooks in your family? What’s your favorite hometown dish? Can you cook? Why don’t you learn? Do you think it is important for children to learn how to cook? Do you like to eat out or cook at home? What are the benefits of eating at home? Do you like fresh food or prepared food? Leisure activities Do you often hang out with friends? Do you invite your friends to your home? How often do you meet friends? What do you usually do? What do you usually do at leisure? How do you organize time? What do you usually do in the evening? How do you spend your vacation? What do you like and hate to do during vacation? What was the last vacation you took? What do you do in your free time? Do you like reading? Did you read a lot in your childhood? What do you like to read now? Sports What’s your favorite sport? Do you like swimming? Do you think people in your country like sports? Culture Do most people ride bicycles in Shanghai? Why do children like to ride bikes? Do you think bike riding is safe in Shanghai? Why do people in China think bicycles are important? Did you learn to ride a bicycle when you were a kid? Do you think it is safe to ride bicycles in a city? Why? Why do you think kids need to learn how to ride bicycles? Travelling Where do you want to visit most? Do you like traveling? When was the last time you go traveling? What would you prepare before travelling? Shopping How often do you go shopping? Talk about your last shopping experience. Why do you like shopping? Do you prefer to go shopping with friends or alone? Do you like shopping? What makes you interested in shopping? Do you think shopping is a waste of time? Letter Is there any letter you do not want to reply? Do you often write letters? When is the last time you sent a letter? What was the letter about? Gift When do you usually give a present? When do Chinese people usually give a present? Is it difficult to give a present? Have you ever made a gift by yourself to somebody? Do you think it is necessary to give expensive gifts? Toy Your favorite toy Should adults play with toys? How do adults entertain themselves in China? Arts Is beautiful handwriting important nowadays? What kind of music do you like? What kind of music do you like? Should children learn to play musical instruments? Do you like painting? Health How do you maintain health? What’s your favorite sport? What healthy food do you usually eat? Family events How do people celebrate their birthdays in your country? Are birthdays more important for children than adults? Do you think birthday is a special day for people? How did you celebrate your last birthday? Do birthdays have any special meanings for children? Media How do you get news? Do you think it is important to get up-to-the-minute news? What do you think of advertisements? Do you like watching TV? Place Have you ever visited a museum? Is the visit beneficial? Law Can you drive? Are you allowed to drive a car in your senior high school? What is a suitable age, do you think, for your kids to start driving? Part 2&3考题总结 考题总结: Person: Describe someone who is very polite Describe a person who has an important job. Describe a person who became your good friend at the first meeting. Describe a good parent you know. Describe a person who has an important job. Describe a person you enjoy talking to. Describe a teenager that you are familiar with Object: Describe an important message you received. Describe another language you would learn. Describe a game (not sports) in your childhood. Describe a class or training session that you enjoyed / an interesting course. Describe a show or performance that you enjoyed watching. Describe a book / film about the future. Describe an equipment at home, except for computers. Describe a product you wanted to buy after saw the advertisement. Describe a plant you know / an important plant in your country. Describe a present you sent recently. Describe a childhood toy. Describe a useful website you like to visit. Describe a meaningful song for you. Describe a thing you ever bought but dissatisfied with. Event: Describe a special meal you invited others to. Describe an interesting speech you recently listened to. Describe a special sports event. Describe a leisure activity near the sea. Describe a wrong decision made by someone you know. Describe a lesson or training session. Describe a future plan. Describe an unusual job. Describe an enjoyable activity you do with other people. Describe a historical / traditional event in your country. Describe a recent change in your life. Describe a perfect holiday / vacation you want to have in the future. Describe a recent change in your life. Describe an occasion when you were late. Describe an interesting speech you recently listened to. Describe a time when you helped others. Describe a film about real people or events. Place: Describe a cafe you have been to. Describe a garden you visited. Describe a room that you stayed. Describe the ideal home that you would like to live in. Describe a city / town you visited. Describe a cafe you know in your hometown. Describe a library you have been to. Describe a crowed place. Describe a room you spend most of your time. 考题精选范例解析: 题目范例: Describe the ideal home that you would like to live in. You should say: where it would be① what type of house it would be② how you would decorate it③ and explain what why you would like to live in this kind of home④ 范例解析: 这个话题卡原本就是在题库里存在的。2023年5月19日出现过一次,之后被淘汰,现在继续拿出来做新题,而且题目的要求一模一样。考生还是应按照地理位置-外观-感觉这样由浅入深的顺序进行描述。多说出一些考官希望听到的对家居、感觉等方面描述的词句。 范例答案: An Ideal Home ① Speaking of the ideal home that I would like to live in... Err... It must be in suburban area, far away from the noise, hustle & bustle of the outside world. ② Flat, Terraced, Detached or Semi-detached, whatever type of house it would be as I don't really care. It must be spacious & bright, this is what I focus on. I hate being in a dark cramped room with a low ceiling, I will be hyperventilating. ③ I would love to decorate my house lovingly, as well as casual. I'd like to put lots of posters into a picture frame to hang on a wall, and I'd also like to put some hooks up and lay musical instruments across the hooks. ④ It'd be quiet, comfortable and private, like a cozy heaven. The blue walls make me think of the calming vast seas that relax me. The base boards and shutters are white which remind me of the pure white clouds in the sky. The white in my room helps me to have pure and clean thoughts. Soft muted colours of the walls and bright colors of the accents make me feel creative and safe. To live in such an ideal house, I feel totally relaxed. Lexical Resource: suburban area: 郊区 hustle & bustle: 熙熙攘攘 Terraced house: 连排别墅 Detached house: 独立别墅 Semi-detached: 半独立式别墅 cramped: 狭小的 hyperventilating: 呼吸急促的,喘不过来气的 casual: 随意,不拘一格的 cozy: 温馨的 Soft muted colours: 暗色 accents: 家居 feel creative and safe: 感觉有创造力、安全 totally relaxed: 彻底放松 雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导 本次考试难度已有所提升,新题的改动率较高,关于备考给考生们几点建议: 1. 任何考试,自信都是必要的,而微笑与从容永远都是信心的承载体;当然,说话声音的大小与清晰程度往往也起重要作用。 2. 雅思口语考试的关注点绝不是考生提供的信息内容,而是提供信息时所选用的形式,也就是词汇和句型。 3. 雅思口语考试的四点评分标准同等重要,考生千万不可顾此失彼,往往其中最弱的一项会决定你整个口语水平。 4. 发音是否标准决定着考官评判你英语水平起点的高低。 5. 词汇作为四大评分标准之一,并不是考察学生运用长难词汇的能力,而是对常用词汇的灵活把握。 6. 雅思口语中对语法,时态的把握尤其重要,不仅要求考生正确使用相应的时态形式,同时,时态的多样性也必须有所体现。 7. 流利程度并非一味强调语速,而是要尽可能的减少表述中不必要的停顿和重复。 8. 大多考生习惯用单词或者短语回答口语第一部分的问题。但切记,雅思是语言能力的考试,句子的完整性至关重要。 9. 一句话回答问题总显得单薄无力,也达不到交流的目的。所以,学会合理扩充答案便成了一种技巧。 10. 常见扩充答案的方法有三种:a. 给理由;b. 举例子;c. 做展望。

希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!












