
つくし (井上真央) が弟の 进 (冨浦智嗣) と暮らすぼろアパートの隣に、道明寺 (松本润) が引っ越してきて、アパートごと买い取ったと闻いて惊くつくし。その上、花沢类 (小栗旬) と何があったのかと问い诘められて、つくしはまた道明寺と言い争いになってしまう。

一方、道明寺がつくしを押し倒している现场を见てしまった 滋 (加藤夏希) は、やはり道明寺はつくしに未练があるのでは・・・と思い悩み、美作 (阿部力) に相谈する。
翌日、F4ラウンジに现れた道明寺は、つくしをめぐって类と殴り合いの喧哗になってしまう。ついにF4决裂の危机か !? 类は道明寺に怒鸣りつけることで、改めて自分のつくしへの思いを再确认するのだった。

その顷、进は高校の受験会场で出会った 美雪 (水沢奈子) という女の子に一目惚れしていた・・・。それを闻いた道明寺は、合格発表の日に美雪に告白するようけしかける。道明寺は、进のために、男に磨きをかける大作戦を决行することに。

第1个回答  2007-01-30
Exhausting (Inoue Makoto middle) 进 (冨 inlet Satoshi of the younger brother 嗣) with in next door of the rag apartment which lives, Domyoji (Matsumoto 润) moving, that every apartment 买 it was and took 闻 being, the 惊 shoes paragraph. Whether on that, Hanazawa 类 (Oguri decade) with it has something that 问 it is and in addition the 诘 [me] and others [re] [te], as for exhausting it becomes Domyoji and the disputing. On the one hand, the 见 [te] is put away Osamu who (Natuki Kato), after all Domyoji because there is a dying not yet 练 which is attached,… with to be troubled to think the 现 场 where Domyoji has detruded exhausting, Mimasaka (Abe power) phase 谈. The next day, the 现 [re] it is in the F4 lounge as for Domyoji, centering on exhausting 类 with it becomes the 喧 哗 of fighting. Finally it is dangerous the desk of the F4 决 fissure!? As for the 类 in Domyoji the 怒 鸣 [ri] by the fact that you attach, it was the thinking to your own exhausting the re-确 认 again. The 顷, 进 the beauty snow which encounters with the taking an examination meeting 场 of high school (the Mizusawa 奈 child) with had fallen in love to the girl you say,…. 闻 Domyoji which is confesses that to the beauty snow in day of passing announcement, it receives and sets up. As for Domyoji, because of the 进, in 决 line doing the large maneuvers which put polishing on the man.
第2个回答  2007-01-30
在杉菜和弟弟进 搬进的破烂公寓旁边,道明寺竟搬来了。听说道明寺买了下公寓的杉菜十分吃惊。而且当被花沢类问起“发生什么了”的时候,杉菜回答又和司吵架了
第二天在F4餐厅 道明寺和类因为杉菜而大打出手。终于 F4会有决裂危机吗?类从自己对道明寺发怒这件事中终于重新的认识到自己对杉菜的感情。
第3个回答  2007-01-29