

第1个回答  2015-04-17
  13-year-old's birthday (8,9) so unwittingly arrived, indescribable feeling, is feeling it
  Very special farewell than last 12 years that children become more unique teenager's birthday. 13-year-old student
  Day in the test I have grown into a mature child, whether calm in the face of all. Birthday, and Thanksgiving all: because it is the grace of God I have everything now, with 13-year-old
  Birthday; because my parents took me out of ignorance care, dependent adult; because it is accompanied by a friend in the side,
  With a hand of friendship to you propped up. Because all human life, all the people gave you a pass
  , And convey to the world of your mission - to love the Lord, love, love yourself, love thing! They shouted loudly to:
  thank you!