

第1个回答  2007-01-27
六年级语文综合试卷十 2003.6
班级 姓名 学号 成绩
p z o z n xi o o d i o
]气( ) 干( ) ( )蓝 喧( ) 深( ) ( )鱼
lu sh l u s o c h o
( )子 ( )好 竹( ) ( )子 ( )死 ( )尽
1、ABAC(如:有始有终) 、 、
2、AABC(如:津津有味) 、 、
3、情义深的成语: 、 、
4、反映优秀品质的: 、 、


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( )一阵风吹过树梢,树叶哗啦啦响,似乎老槐树也和我们一起在欢笑。
( )那笔直的树干撑起巨大的树冠,活像一把张开的绿色大伞。
( )校园里有一棵老槐树,高大、粗壮。
( )说它粗壮,确实够惊人的,他那树干,两个小朋友也合抱不过来。
( )说它高大,一点儿也不过分,它的树梢快碰到三层楼的窗台了。
( )茂密的树叶把阳光遮得严严实实,同学们最爱在大树下玩耍、游戏。

“不,不,您误会啦!”我慌不迭(d i )地解释着,“我不是残疾人,我是去给别人送拐杖的。”说着,我便踢腿踢脚地给她看。车站上的人都笑了。
看着这个可爱的小女孩,我在尴(g n)尬(g )之余有说不出的感动。想到自己替人送一趟拐杖,还向爸爸讲条件,是不是有点差劲?
售票员看了看我 却没有接 她和蔼地对我说 你不知道吧 小伙子 咱们国家新颁(b n) 布的 残疾人保障法 规定 残疾人乘车是可以免费的
车到站了。我在一家百货店门前犹豫着,我知道,那里就有我要买的望远镜。终于,我走进了旁边的一家食品店, 用要买望远镜的钱买了罐头和水果。我想给那位叔叔送去这副拐杖的同时,也送去我的一份心意。
近义词:抱怨( ) 感激( ) 稚气( ) 犹豫( )
反义词:和蔼( ) 犹豫( ) 辛苦( )


“我已经被它造成的一连串误会深深感动了。”这句话中,“一连串的误会”文中指的是“ ; ; 。”这三次误会。让“我”感动的原因是 。所以我决定把买望远镜的钱 ,也送去我的一份心意。
6、文章要表达的主题是:( )

标题: 小学六年级英语测验试题

一、 听老师读三次,请选出老师所读的内容,并把它的编号写在相应的括号内:(8分)
( ) 1. A. 112 B. 120 C. 122 D. 212
( ) 2. A. 8:20 B. 8:30 C. 8:40 D. 8:50
( ) 3. A. 87237226 B. 87237626 C. 87237262 D. 87273226
( ) 4. A. stay B. stop C. speak D. stand
( ) 5. A. ['pju:pl] B. ['pi:pl] C. ['midl] D. ['pens]
( ) 6. A. [lait] B. [nait] C. [wait] D. [wai]
( )7.A. an old dog B. an old door C. an old worker D. an only daughter
( ) 8. A. my plane B. my plate C. my paper D. my pupil
1. We are . We our country .
2. The workers are a . 3. This is for you . !
4. I have two .One is ,the other is .    
( ) 1. A. How are you? B. How do you do?
C. I'm thirteen . D. Fine , thanks . And you?
( ) 2. A. Yes , I'm . B. Yes , it's . C. Yes , very much . D. Yes , I can .
( ) 3. A. Yes , you're . B. Yes , it's . C. Yes , of course . D. Yes , you do .
( ) 4. A. You're welcome . B. Thank you very much . C. That's right . D. I'm OK .
( ) 5. A. There're thirty . B. They're thirty . C. It's thirty . D. It's thirty yuan .
( ) 6. A. That's right . B. All right . Let's . C. Please do . D. I like playing .
( ) 7. A. Yes , I'm . B. Yes , I'd like a cake . C. Yes , I'd like a glass of milk . D. Yes , I do .
( ) 8. A. Yes , please . B. Yes , you're . C. Yes , I can . D. Yes , you do .
( ) 1. A. It's time to go to bed . B. Yes , there is .
C. Yes , it's . D. It's time to go work .
( ) 2. A. Sixty yuan and thirty fen . B. Seventy yuan and thirty fen .
C. Sixty yuan and forty fen . C . Seventy yuan and forty fen .
( ) 3. A. Yes , she's . B. No , she isn't . C. Yes , she can . D. No , she can't .
( ) 1. There are some maps in the classroom .
( ) 2. There are some pictures in the classroom .
( ) 3. There is a picture between two windows .
( ) 4. The people in this picture are having an English class .
( ) 5. We can see a teacher in the picture . She's writing .
( ) 6. The boy in the picture is talking with the teacher .
1. What do you usually do on ['tju:zdi] . 2. Would you like a ['b(tl] of milk .
3. What's your father's [d((b] ? 4. My mother is [kuki(] .
5. Do you play basketball ['(:ft(] school .

( ) 1, A . river B . eat C . worry D . stay
( ) 2, A . pear B . apple C . flower D . banana
( ) 3, A . bread B . milk C . table D . egg
( ) 4, A . one B . two C . first D . four
( ) 5, A . tell B . say C . cook D . father
( ) 6, A . third B . ninth C . eight D . twelfth
1. they (宾格) 2. country (复数) 3. close (现在分词)
4. two (序数词) 5. Japan (形容词) 6.I (名词性物主代词)
7. paper (复数) 8. swim (现在分词)
( ) (1) . Classes begin seven fifty -five .
A . in B . on C . at D . for
( ) (2) . They often help .
A . I B . mine C . my D . me
( ) (3) . I want a map of China .
A . buy B . is buying C . to buy D . am buying
( ) (4) . Is it a picture your school ?
A . of B . to C . and D . with
( ) (5) . Do you like ?
A . swim B . swimming C . are swimming D . swim , too
( ) (6) . The man a stick (手杖)is my grandpa .
A . and B . of C . with D . for
( ) (7). Who's the lady blue ?
A . in B . on C . at D . with
( ) (8). We usually stay home Saturday afternoon .
A . at...in B . at...on C . in...at D . on...on
( ) (9). A: It's a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No, is yellow .
A . I B. My C . Mine D . Me
( ) (10). any men in the room ?
A . Is there B . Are there C . There aren't D . There isn't
( ) (11). The bed the right is yours .
A . on B . in C . at D . of
( ) (12). Look at picture .
A . one B . the one C . first D . the first
( ) (13). These books are my .
A . students B . students's C . students' D . students of
( ) (14). My parents often tell me China .
A . about B . from C . for D . by
( ) (15). any food in the fridge ?
A. Are there B. Is there C. Have D. Has
1. The children like the ball . (改为一般疑问句)
the children the ball ?
2. Are these your pens ? (重写句子,使意思与原句基本相同)
Are these ?
3. Please put the clothes here .(改为否定句)
put the clothes here , .
4. They get up at six thirty .(就划线部分提问)
What they get up ?
1 . the , read , in , don't , sun , please

2 . sisters , brothers , you , any , or , got , have ?

3. black , all , like , I , at , don't

4 . can , do , I , for , what , you ?

5 . drink , like , something , you , to , would ?

1 . Look ! The babies ( play ) with the toy cars .
2 . I ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning .     
3 . Do they like (swim) ?
4 . Tom's mother (have) a nice basket .
5 . Can you (make ) a paper plane now ?
Mary: time do you usually get on Sunday morning ?
Lily: seven thirty .
Mary: What you usually do Sunday ?
Lily: I usually stay at home and do reading . Sometimes I do my homework or clean the house with my mother . What you ?
Mary: I don't often stay at home . Sometimes I go the park my sister . Sometimes I basketball with my friends .
Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the U.S.A Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sunday and Saturday. Peter likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play table tennis (乒乓球)after class.
Wu Dong and Peter likes making things. Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on Sunday morning. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English. They teach each other. (互相)
( )1、Wu Dong has an American friend.
( )2、They go to school from Monday to Friday.
( )3、They often fly planes after class.
( )4、Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese.
( )5、Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them.
第2个回答  2007-01-27