

第1个回答  2013-11-13
Zhuozhengyuan Garden
Zhuozhengyuan Garden features of the garden is divided, and the layout very tricky limited spaces, fully adopted by the King and King and other garden art, it goes without Zhuozhengyuan Garden in the United States, Some say Zhuozhengyuan Garden of Suzhou gardens in the first four.
Zhuozhengyuan Garden is a classical Chinese garden, and is one of China's four famous garden. Built in the Ming Dynasty Zhengde four years (Year 1509) Jiangnan Wets Wen Zhengming participation in the design, particularly strong flavor into the text, all captivated.Waterscape Park to win, plain SR far, the simple act of maintaining a Ming Dynasty garden not too simple yet elegant style. Scenic areas into the eastern, central and western three other former residential Suzhou gardens built in 1992 at the museum opening to the outside world, This is China's first muGarden is a comprehensive and profound art of the Chinese garden Zhuozhengyuan Garden, for the classic, and the Forbidden City, Great Wall, the Confucius Temple. Grand Ma Chung, the Potala Palace and other treasures are also unique treasures.
In recent years, Zhuozhengyuan Garden tap traditional culture, launched its own characteristics flowers Azalea Festival held each spring and summer seasons and calendar; flowers bloom, Hsieh Yuan Yi, so simple and elegant classical garden full of vitality quiet.
Zhuozhengyuan Garden in Central Park and the western part of bonsai displays stones studio, and the fantasy that the Soviet Union sent bonsai strata. mold character. 这是苏州拙政园。算是名胜古迹么?呵呵。拙政园,是中国一座著名的园林,位于苏州市东北街178号,始建于明朝正德年间。它是江南园林的代表,也是苏州园林中面积最大的古典山水园林,被誉为“中国园林之母”,中国四大名园之一,全国重点文物保护单位,国家5A级旅游景区,全国特殊旅游参观点,1997年被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列为世界文化遗产。