
1。耽误学习时间,大部分人不能协调好学习和打工的时间安排。2。工作之后的劳累分散精力,无心学习3。容易影响对金钱的态度,使学生形成错误的人生观,过早形成拜金主义4。社会很复杂,大学生打工容易受骗上当。5。并不是所有兼职工作都能起到锻炼实践能力的作用,而在校时光非常宝贵,尤其是对于低年级大学生来说,不必急着提高实践能力, 不如用宝贵的4年时间多泡泡图书馆,因为打工以后还可以打,但这样接受文化熏陶的机会却不会再有了。6。如果 想提高实践能力,有其他方式,如参加学生会,学校社团,学校组织的公益活动等。而且我们在大三大四的时候有工作实习。在学校的组织下,相对安全,时间安排相对合理,同样可以锻炼自己。7。如果单纯是为了解决财务问题,有其他更好的办法,如贷款,助学基金,奖学金,申请做校工等。 这些方式也需要学生的责任心,为了申请成功,学生会主动提高自身的素质,使自己变得更优秀。

第1个回答  2013-11-21
It takes too much of the study time and most of the students can not arrange the time appropriately well between study and part-time jobs.

Work will make them feel tired and scatter their strength, they may have no interest in learning any more.

It will affect them of their attitude towards money, formulate them of bad thoughts of life and develop them money worship too early.

The society is complicated, college students will be easily fooled.

5。并不是所有兼职工作都能起到锻炼实践能力的作用,而在校时光非常宝贵,尤其是对于低年级大学生来说,不必急着提高实践能力, 不如用宝贵的4年时间多泡泡图书馆,因为打工以后还可以打,但这样接受文化熏陶的机会却不会再有了。
Not all of the part-time jobs can practice oneself, and the time at school is really valuable, especially to some low grade college students, they don't have to urge to prove their practice ability, it may be better for them to spend the time in the liabrary, for the reason that once gratuated there will be plenty of time for them to take part-time jobs while to have this kind of opportunity to accept culture knowledge is rare.

6。如果 想提高实践能力,有其他方式,如参加学生会,学校社团,学校组织的公益活动等。而且我们在大三大四的时候有工作实习。在学校的组织下,相对安全,时间安排相对合理,同样可以锻炼自己。
They can improve their practice ability in many other ways, for example, to take part in the students' union, the school clubs, welfare activities organized by the school.And there will be internship during junior and senior terms. Under the organization of school, it can be much more safer, and their time arrangement may be more resonable, they can also train themselves through these ways.

7。如果单纯是为了解决财务问题,有其他更好的办法,如贷款,助学基金,奖学金,申请做校工等。 这些方式也需要学生的责任心,为了申请成功,学生会主动提高自身的素质,使自己变得更优秀。
If they were taking part-time jobs only to solve financial problems, there were many other available ways like loan,hardship fund,scholarship. And they can apply for the position of errand. All of these ways need the students of their responsibility, in order to apply successfully, the students will prove themselves of their quality much more positively, they will try to make themselves to be a better man.