
Video conferencing
The company you work for is concerned about the amount of time staff spend travelling to meetings in other branches of the company, and is looking at alternatives.
You have been asked to make recommendations about introducing video conferencing.
Discuss the situation together, and decide:
(1)What the company needs to know about the meetings that take place at present
(2)What the advantages and disadvantages of video conferencing might be.

1、 每对同学设计对话时长为:2分钟。
2、 两位同学都必须表达出自己的观点,不能一个说一长段,另外一个只用yes 或no 或其他简单短语来表达。否则不计分。
3、 最后要达成一个一致意见,并总结出来。
4、 只考这两个topics中的其中一个,自己选择其中之一。
B 恐怕不行 我们周末要去分公司开会
A 我的天啊 这真是个糟糕的消息
B 我们公司去要去分公司处理存货的问题
A 我有一个建议 我们可以使用视频会议 不但可以节省公司的费用开支,还可以节省员工的时间和精力
B 可我们需要购买视频会议所需要的设备,这可不便宜呢,而且对员工之间的交流产生负面影响。
A 任何地方都可以使用视频会议。有的员工就算请假也可以通过视频参加会议
B 那我们和总经理提下这个建议吧
A OK 我认为这是个好的决定
B yeah 那我们周末分公司见吧。bye

第1个回答  2013-11-25
let's go shopping this weekend.
Im afraid we can't. We have a branch meeting that day.
Oh my God,that is really a bad news.
Staff in my company will deal with the storage issue about the branch.
I have a plan. We can make a video conference which will not only save the expence of the company but also save the time and the energy of the staff.
But we need to pay for those video equipments, those are not cheap and they may also have a negetive influence on the communication between the staff.
Anyone can use the video equipment, include those people who ask for leave.
Ok.that is a good decision.
Yeah, let's meet at the company tomorrow.Bye.追问


第2个回答  2013-11-25
a,lets go shopping on weekend
b,I am fraid not, I have a meeting at branch
a,oops, that is not a good news
b,we need to the brach to addess an inventory issue
a,I have a suggestion. why dont we use conference call? I will save time,efforts and money
b,That will result cost for purchasing equiepment which I dont think it is cheap. It may have a negitive impact on effective communication amoung employees
a,But employees can dial in from anywhere even they are off site.
b,OK, let me bring this up to GM
a,Good. I think this is a good idea
bGreat.see you at brach on weekend追问



