

第1个回答  2024-03-31
1. The English name for the novel coronavirus is COVID-19. This name was officially named by the World Health Organization (WHO) and stands for "Coronavirus Disease 2019."
2. The abbreviation COID-19 is often used to refer to the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. The term "CO" represents "Corona," "VI" stands for "Virus," and "D" for "Disease," with the number "19" indicating the year of its discovery in 2019.
3. In light of the evolving nature of the disease, the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China has amended the name of the illness from "Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia" to "Novel Coronavirus Infection," which is felt to better reflect the current characteristics of the disease.
4. Consequently, the updated term for the infection in English is "Novel Coronavirus Infection."