

第1个回答  2018-11-10
1. Make clear where you are and why you are there.
How to get promoted? First you will need to know yourself clearly. Askyourself, where areyou now? And why are you there? Are there key strengths that have brought youwhere you are now? Can you continue to leverage(影响) the strengthsfor the next promotion? Are there any weaknesses that you really need tocorrect before the next promotion? These questions will help you to check yourstrengths and weaknesses.
如何获得升职?首先,你先要对自己有一个清楚的认识。问一下自己现在在职场中处于什么地位?为什么会处于该地位?它是否是基于自己所具有的关键优势而形成的?该优势能否在下一步的提升中起到作用?在下次可能得到提升之前,是否存在任何需要改正的缺点? 这些问题将有助于你审视自己身上存在的优缺点。
2. Ask yourself where you want to be and how you get there.
2. 问一下自己想要达到什么程度以及如何达到该程度。
You need to havean objective and a plan for your career development.Just saying that you wantto get promoted is not enough. You need to be clear on your next position andwrite it down. Then, you should develop a plan to achieve your objective.
3. Commit to your plan and follow it through.
3. 忠于你的计划并将其进行到底。
Attitude(态度) matters. It matters everywhere, at every stage of yourcareer. Having a clear direction is important to guide your energy. However,without action which is the actual completion(完成,实现) of the task,all else is academic. You will be only judged by what you do. In addition, youraction should be backed up with skills and knowledge, which will accelerate(加速) your movement.