

第1个回答  2024-05-11
1. When you leave school, you forget what you have learned; the remainder is education.
2. Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and it feels like an hour; sit with a beautiful girl for an hour and it feels like a minute. This is the theory of relativity.
3. Then I can only express my regret to my dear Lord. Relativity is correct.
4. What really interests me is whether God had any other options during the creation of the world.
5. Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, while imagination encompasses everything, propelling progress and serving as the source of human evolution.
6. The difference between genius and idiocy is that genius has its limits.
7. Life will give you what you need if you persistently ask for it, as long as you are clear about what you want when you ask.
8. A phenomenon has become so apparent that it has given me the creeps: our humanity is far behind our scientific and technological advancements.
9. If I give you a penny, your wealth increases and my wealth decreases by the same penny. However, if I give you an idea, even though you possess a new idea, I have not lost anything.
10. Physicists call me a mathematician, while mathematicians classify me as a physicist. I am a loner; although everyone knows me, few truly understand me.
11. God does not concern Himself with our mathematical dilemmas. He effortlessly integrates all things.
12. The law itself cannot ensure freedom of speech; to achieve this, everyone must possess a tolerant heart.
13. The most difficult thing to understand in the world is that things are understandable.
14. Only by devoting oneself to society can one discover the meaning of a short and脆弱 life.
15. In punishment for my scorn of authority, fate has transformed me into an authority figure.
16. Weakness in attitude becomes weakness of character. A person of certain insight or cultivation is typically one who can manage or attend to their own attitude.
17. A person's achievements and differences are determined by their leisure time.
18. Inaction leads to no change.
19. If one were to ask which religion can meet the needs of modern scientific progress, it would be Buddhism.
20. What remains after one forgets everything they have learned at school is their quality.详情