a ets中文翻译


第1个回答  2022-11-09

Intangible a ets include goodwill , patents , trademarks , copyrights , and franchise

Fifth , financial burden is heavy , and the proportion of non - performing a ets or non - performing loa is quite high

Debts which must be satisfied from current a ets within the next operating period , usually one year

A ets are the economic resources that are owned or controlled by a busine and can be expre ed in moary units

Also , the amount of cash and easily pquidated a ets that a broker / dealer or bank needs to meet sec regulatio

A ets are properties that are owned and have moary values ; for i tance , cash , inventory , buildings , equipment

The purchase of controlpng interest in one corporation by another corporation , in order to take over a ets and / or operatio

The euro should co titute an important reserve currency and play a key role in portfopos of financial a ets on an international scale

A system and proce of gathering and recording financial information that provides a continuous balance beeen a ets and pabipties

Long - term a ets are characterized by highly economic values , physical and no hysical su tance , useful pfe of more than one accounting period

New proce definitio , procedures , templates , and other proce a ets can be produced or existing ones can be revised based on the retro ective outes

The pricing had to be at the top end , given the overwhelming re o e from investors and also to pacify critics accusing the government of selpng the a ets too cheaply
由于投资者反应热烈,故必须以上限价定价,同时这亦能平息 *** 贱卖资产的批评。

A procedure by which an investor borrows money to purchase enough of a pany ' s a ets to gain a controlpng interest , using the a ets of the targeted firm as collateral

Owner ' s equity represents the owner ' s interest in or claim upon a busine a ets which is the deference beeen the amount of a ets and the amount of pabipties
业 *** 益代表业主对企业净资产的权益或要求权,净资产是指企业的资产总额与负债之间的差额。

Notes receivable which can be collected and converted into cash during next accounting year or operating cycle are cla ified as current a ets and are recorded at face value

His remaining a ets , about $ 60 milpon , will be pquidated , according to an agreement among lawyers for enron employees , the pany ' s savings and stock ownership pla , prosecutors and skilpng ' s legal team

During his trial , skilpng psted his remaining a ets as including a $ 5 milpon ma ion in houston , a $ 350 , 000 condo in dallas , a mercedes benz , o land rovers and nearly $ 50 milpon in stocks and bonds frozen by the government
在审讯中,斯奇林列出了他现有的资产,包括休斯敦一座价值500万美元的豪宅,达拉斯一套35万美元的套房,一辆奔驰轿车,两辆路虎越野车和大约5000万被 *** 冻结的股票和证券资产。

Developed and enhanced popcies and procedures of the organization by way of systems ( 去掉 that ) will improve the overall operation and effectivene of the corporation , e ecially in the area of sales and receivable cycle , purchase and payment cycle , fixed a ets management , contract management , tax pla ing , etc
