

第1个回答  2009-01-15

Nearly everybody enjoys chicken, and the most famous name in chicken is Kentucky Fried Chicken. Mr Sanders, the man who started this ___1___ was not always very rich. At one time, he ___2___ a small gas station next to a highway (公路). Many truck drivers ___3___ there to get gas and take a rest. Mr Sanders realized they were often ___4___, so he began serving sandwiches and coffee. ___5___ the sandwiches he made tasted good, and didn’t ___6___ too much, more and more ___7___ came to eat at his place. ___8___ Mr Sanders began to serve fried chicken. People ___9___ it very much, and his new business grew rapidly. Not long after, however, another highway was ___10___, and many drivers no longer went ___11___ Mr Sanders’ restaurant. So he had to ___12___ it. Then he traveled around the country ___13___ to sell his idea of opening fried chicken restaurants. He ___14___. By 1967, there were almost 5000 Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. And now, ___15___ you go in the United States, you will see one. If you like chicken, I’m sure, you’ll enjoy eating Kentucky Fried Chicken.
1. A. business B. shop C. life D. search .
2. A. found B. worked C. saw D. owned
3. A. passed B. got to C. stopped D. left
4. A. late B. hungry C. tired D. sick
5. A. Although B. If C. As D. Once
6. A. need B. pay C. spend D. cost
7. A. passengers B. drivers C. students D. doctors
8. A. Then B. So C. But D. For
9. A. ate B. liked C. tried D. drank
10. A. appeared B. found C. built D. broken
11. A. out B. to C. over D. on
12. A. close B. run C. return D. take
13. A. trying B. believing C. thinking D. suggesting
14. A. failed B. fails C. succeeds D. succeeded
15. A. whenever B. wherever C. where D. when


Mr Smith made many tests (作试验) with different animals and the monkey was the cleverest of all the animals.
One day Mr Smith put a monkey in a room. He also put some small boxes in it. In one of the boxes there was some food. " How long will it take the monkey to find the food? " Mr Smith said to himself. " Let me wait and see. " He left the room and waited outside. Three minutes later, he put his eye to the keyhole (钥匙眼). What did he see? He saw the eye of the monkey. The monkey was on the other side of the door and looked at Mr Smith through the keyhole.
1. Mr Smith made tests with __________.
A. different animals
B. the monkey only
C. all the monkeys
D. all of the cleverest animals
2. There was some food in _______ of the small boxes.
A. some B. none C. one D. each
3. Mr Smith put a monkey and some boxes in a room because he wanted to know___________.
A. how much food monkey could find
B. how many boxes the monkey could carry
C. how long it would take the monkey to put its eye to the keyhole
D. how long it would take the monkey to find the food
4. What was the monkey doing when Mr Smith was putting his eye to the keyhole?
A. The monkey was eating food.
B. The monkey was looking for food.
C. The monkey was eating on the other side of the door.
D. The monkey was looking at Mr Smith through the keyhole.
5. Mr Smith is a ________.
A. teacher B. scientist (科学家)
C. doctor D. farm worker


Do you need friends? I'm sure your answer is "Yes,of course. Everybody does! " You need friends when you play and when you work. If you have friends, you will feel happy. If you have no friends. you will feel lonely (寂寞的).
Do you know how to make friends? There is only one good way—You make friends by being friendly.
A friendly person is interested in other people. He is always helpful If you want to make friends with a new classmate, you can talk with him, tell him about the other classmates in your class and try your best to be helpful to him.
6. We need friends __________.
A. because we must play with them
B. Because we must work with them
C. when we play and when we work
D. when we talk with them
7. If we want to make friends, we should __________.
A. be politely to them B. be friendly to them.
C. be afraid of them D. when we talk with them.
8. A friendly person is _________ other people.
A. interested in B. worried about
C. surprised at D. like them
9. If we want to make friends with a new classmate, ___________.
A. we can talk with them
B. we must try to help him
C. we can tell him about the other classmates in our class
D. A、B and C
10. Which of the following is true?
A. No one needs friends.
B. Everyone needs friends.
C. Only classmates need friends.
D. Someone needs friends.


Billy and Bobby were small boys. They were brothers, and they often fought.
Last Saturday their mother said to them, "I'm going to cook our lunch now. Go out and play in the garden and be good. "
"Yes, Mum," the two boys answered, and they went out.
They played in the garden for half an hour, and then Billy ran in.
"Mum," he said, "Bobby's broken a window in Mr Allen's house. " Mrs Allen was one of their neighbours(邻居).
"He's a bad boy, " his mother said. "How did he break it?"
"I threw a stone (石头) at him," Billy ansered, "and he quickly moved down. "
11. Billy and Bobby were _______.
A. sisters B. classmates
C. not often kind to each other
D. always kind to each other
12. Last Saturday their mother asked them ________.
A. not to play in the garden
B. to cook their lunch
C. not to go out
D. to be good
13. Half an hour later, Billy told his mother_________.
A. that Bobby broke the window
B. how he himself broke the window
C. how he cooked their lunch
D. how they played in the garden
14. Mrs Allen was________.
A. Billy's mother B. their neighbour
C. their mother D. Bobby's aunt
15. ________ broken the window.
A. Mrs Allen B. Bobby
C. Billy D. The mother


Bill, with his father,went to see his grandfater. In the train Bill often put his head out of thewindow. His father said,"Don't do that. Bill! It'sdangerous. " But Bill went on putting his head out ofthe window.
So his father took Bill's hat quietly, hide(藏) itbehind his back and said, "Now you see your hat is away," So Bill was afraid.
Then his father said, "Well, whistle(吹口哨) once. Your hat may come back. " Bill whistled. His father put quietly the hat on Bill's head again.
Bill laughed. He took his father's hat and threw it out of the window. " Now it's your turn to whistle,Dad!" The boy said happily.
16. How did Bill and his father go to see Grandpa?
A. On food. B. By train C. On a bus D. In ship
17. What did the boy often do in the train?
A. He often spoke to his father
B. He often played with his hat.
C. He often whistled.
D. He often put his head out of the window.
18. Why did his father hide Bill's hat?
A. To make Bill worried
B. So Bill won't put his head out of the window
C. His fater just played a joke with him.
D. Because he was afraid Bill's hat would lost
19. Which of the following statements is right?
A. Bill didn't want to have his hat back.
B. The father took his son's hat and threw it out of the window.
C. The father's hat wasn't thrown away.
D. The father's hat was away.
20. From the story, we know _________.
A. Bill wasn't happy on the way.
B. Bill didn't know what his father had done with his hat.
C. the father would whistle to get back his hat.
D. the father would be very happy at last.


All around the world, people drink tea. But tea does not m________(1) the same thing to e________(2). In different countries people have very different i________(3) about drinking tea.
In China people always have tea t________(4) with their friends. They may drink tea at any time of the day. They only put tea leaves in their cups. They p________(5) the tea with n________(6) else in it.
Tea is also i________(7) in Japan. It is very p________(8) there. People drink tea every day. But they have it in a way different from that in China.
In the USA people drink tea at breakfast or after m________(9). They usually use tea bags to make their tea. Making tea with bags is faster and e________(10) than making it with tea leaves in teapots.


One morning Mr. Green is driving around the county and 1 a small bookshop. When he sees an old man 2 the side of the road, he stops his car and says to the old man, " Excuse me, I want 3 to the Sun Bookshop. Do you know it? "
" Yes," the old man answers, "I 4 you the way. " He 5 Mr. Green 's car, and they drive about twelve miles. 6 they come to a small house, the old man says, " Stop here. " Mr .Green stops and 7 the house. "But this isn 't the 8, " he says to the old man." Right,"the old man answers ."this is my house ,and now I'll show you the 9 to the book-shop. Turn around and go back nine miles. 10 You 'll see the bookshop."

1. A. look for B. looking for C. finding D. find
2. A. on B. in C. at D. by
3. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go
4. A. be going to show B. show C. will show D. am showing
5. A. is getting in B. getting on C. gets into D. gets on
6. A. While B. When C. Before D. After
7. A. looks at B. looks for C. sees D. watches
8. A. shop B. hotel C. sun D. bookshop
9. A. street B. street C. way D. ways
10. A. For B. As C. Then D. On


Most children like watching TV. It's very interesting. By watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world. Of course ,they can also learn over the radio. But they can learn better and more easily on TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can't see anything over the radio. TV helps to open children's eyes. It helps to open their minds , too. They learn newer and better ways of doing things .Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening. They are always busy with their lessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late. They can' t have a good rest. How about you, my young friend?

( )1. A few children go to bed late because they ______
A. are busy with their lessons B. do their homework C. watch TV D. listen to the radio
( )2. Children can't see anything ______
A. in the radio B. on the radio C. on TV D. by watching TV
( )3. TV helps to open children's ______
A. eyes and minds B. minds C. eyes or minds D. eyes
( ) 4. Why do many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening? Because ______
A. TV is not good B. they don't like watching TV
C. they have no time D. they want to play football
( )5. Children can study better and more easily on TV because ______
A. they like to watch TV B. they can hear at the same time
C. they can watch at the same time D. they can hear and watch at the same time

Two friends are going through the forest(森林), one friend says to the other, "If any beast(野兽) comes out from behind the trees, I will stay with you and help you. " The other friend says, " I will help you too, if any beast comes near you. " After a little time there is a great noise , and a big bear(熊) comes out from behind the trees, At once one of the friends runs and gets up in a tree. The other friend is fat; he can not get up in a tree. He lies down at the foot of the tree. He says to himself, "The bear will think I am dead. "The bear comes near him; it puts its nose down and smells(闻) him. It thinks the man is dead, so it goes away.The other friend comes down from the tree, and says," What did the bear say to you when it put its mouth so near to your ear?"The friend answers," the bear said, 'if a friend runs away from you when you need his help most, he is not a real friend. ' "

6. Where are the two friends?
7. What does the thin friend do when a big bear comes out?
8. What does the bear think after it smells the fat man?
9. Are they real friends?
10. What friends are real ones?

1—5 ADCBC 6—10 DBABC 11—15 BAADB

1—5 ACDDB 6—10 CBADB 11—15 CDABC 16—20 BDCDB

(1) mean (2)everyone (3)ideas (4)together (5)prefer (6)nothing (7)important (8) popular (9)meals (10)easier



