帮我翻译一段文字到英文. 在线等 高分 紧急


内容如下:我的假期作业比较多,今天下午还有一个课要去上,所以今天不能赴约,抱歉.另外,听说你就要回国了,祝你一路顺风. 下次再来广州的时候再联系吧.
补充一条: 明天就要开学了



第1个回答  2009-02-07
I have a lot of holiday work to do and I also have a class this afternoon. So I'm sorry that I can't go on the date today.By the way, I heard that you are coming back. Hope you'll have a nice trip. We'll keep in touch next time you come to Guangzhou.By the way again,tomorrow is the first day of the new semester.When you return,you can contact me by MSN,and my MSN is…(这里填号码)楼主,补充完毕!本人不用翻译软件,因为那个翻译得很不准!错误很多,谷歌就是其中之一
第2个回答  2009-02-07
I'm so sorry for that I can't keep the appointment today as I have so much holiday task to do and a lesson in the afternoon for me to attend. Besides that, I will go to school for a new term tomorrow. Moreover I have heard that you will return to homeland soon, wishing you have a pleasant journey. Please contact me when you come to Guangzhou the next time. You can contact me by MSN after returning , by the way, the number of my MSN is.....
第3个回答  2009-02-07
Tomorrow is the new term.I have much homework to do during the holiday, and there is a class to attend this afternoon, so I cannot come to the appointment today. Sorry! Besides, I hear you are coming back from abroad. Have a nice journey! Contact me when you are back through the MSN.( Mine is... )and call me when you come to Guangzhou next time.
第4个回答  2009-02-07
There is so much homework in my holiday,and I have a class in this afternoon,so I can' keep the appointment today,I' sorry.
It is said that you will go back, I wish you a pleasant journey. I hope we effect a liaison next time you come to GuangZhou.
明天就要开学了 :Tomorrow will be the opening of the school。
When you go back , you can communicate by MSN, my MSN is.....
第5个回答  2009-02-07
There are many school assignments in my vacation .In addition ,I will attend to class in this afternoon so I can not receive your invitation ,sorry my friend.Besides,I hear that you're going your home country and I hope you have a good journey .Welcome to guangzhou next time and contact me .

At the end ,when you arrive your country please contact me through MSN,my accout is XXX..,you can add me .

PS:It is beginning of team at tomorrow