日程很紧 英文


第1个回答  2022-12-19

日程很紧翻译为英文是:The schedule is very tight .


1、日程安排得很紧。The programme is packed.

2、我们俩日程安排得都很紧。We both have such hectic schedules.

3、虽然日程很紧,但他说永远家庭至上。Despite his busy schedule he says family comes first.

4、您的日程很紧,我就不多占用您的时间了。As you have a tight schedule,I will not take up more of your time.

5、日程的确很紧。It's certainly a tight schedule.

6、我今天的日程排得很紧。I've got a pretty tight schedule today.

7、我们希望在下周做完这工作,但日程安排管理很紧。We hope to finish the work next week,but the schedule-s very tight.

8、月底之前见你很难,因为我的日程安排得很紧。Meeting you before the end of the month will be difficult,because I have very cramped schedule until then.

9、但是如果他们真的觉得她的日程排得很紧,又凭什么认为她有时间来读这么多废话呢?But if they thought her schedule was busy,why did they think she would have time to read so much guff?

10、虽然日程排得很紧,但既然来了,我想应该抽出点时间来看看你这个老朋友。We've a very tight schedule,but as I happen to be here,I thought I might take a couple of hours off to see an old friend.
