
2. 熟练地完成化学反应,独立完成图谱解析并对结果做出较全面的分析;能独立解决实验中出现的问题,清晰完整地完成实验记录并输出实验报告;
3. 熟练掌握HPLC、TLC、UV、IR 、GC、紫外等分析仪器操作;
4. 熟练运用ChemOffice、SPSS等专业软件及Office办公软件,能充分合理地利用网络资源;
5. 能用英语阅读和翻译专业文献和进行日常口语交流。

第1个回答  2009-02-17
Quick access to independent Chinese and foreign literature, journals and patents, based on literature synthesis route to complete the preliminary design

2. Proficiently to complete a chemical reaction, the independent analysis of the results of the completion of mapping to make a more comprehensive analysis; can independently solve the problems in the experiment, a clear record of integrity and completion of the experiment and the experimental output reports;

3. Proficiency in HPLC, TLC, UV, IR, GC, UV and other analytical instruments to operate;

4. Proficiency in the use of ChemOffice, SPSS and other specialized software and Office business software, can be fully rational use of network resources;

5. Use of English reading and translation of professional literature and communicate day-to-day spoken language.