麻烦英语高手 帮忙翻译一下以下句子

1. 不管有多大困难,我们都要设法营救事故中的受伤人员。(regardless of)
2. 我会负责让外宾们在这儿度过一个美好的夜晚。(see to it that)
3. 学生们不应该只追求个人的兴趣而放松学业。(pursue)
4. 过多的社交活动使她不能专心学习。(distract from)
5. 他期末考试没通过,他后悔没有好好复习。(regret)
6. 我们在中学过分强调了英语语法的学习,而忽略了听说技能。(attach…to)
7. 他因为参与了一个重大走私案(smuggling)而受到法律的制裁。(involve)
8. 在孩子们尚未能够自己判断是非之前,要管好他们不做坏事。(restrain from)
9. 与年轻人多交流是弥补代沟的重要途径。(bridge)
10. 她总是以她的着装方式给我们留下深刻的印象。(impression)

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第1个回答  2009-03-19
1. No matter how difficult, we have to try to rescue the injured in the accident. (Regardless of)
2. I will be responsible for the foreign guests were here to enjoy a beautiful evening. (See to it that)
3. Students should not only pursue personal interest and academic relax. (Pursue)
4. Plethora of social activities so that she could not concentrate on their studies. (Distract from)
5. He did not pass the final exam, he did not regret it a good review. (Regret)
6. At our school too much emphasis on the study of English grammar, to the neglect of skills heard. (Attach ... to)
7. Since he took part in a major smuggling case (smuggling) and punished by law. (Involve)
8. At the children themselves can not yet distinguish between right and wrong before they do not want possession of a good thing. (Restrain from)
9. Communicate with many Youth are an important way to make up the generation gap. (Bridge)
10. She always dress the way she left us deep impression. (Impression)