

第1个回答  2024-07-03
1. May the bond of friendship forever persevere, and happiness remain ever-present with you!
2. May you surge forward with vigor, like a dragon, and may your good fortune be as endless as a string of characters, bringing you joy.
3. My wishes are like a rainbow, clearing the path for you to discover delightful surprises.
4. Wishing our esteemed clientele continuous good fortune and may your joys be doubled.
5. May you long endure, and though miles may separate us, may peace abide with you always.
6. I send you a fortunate number as a token of goodwill, may you ascend in success year after year.
7. May you spread your wings and love with all your heart, and may you find a soul that truly understands and responds to your feelings.
8. May all your endeavors exceed expectations; if happiness proves elusive, then may peace be with you always.
9. May the turning of the seasons bring you a delightful mood, carrying my blessings and surrounding you with their warmth.
10. May you be encircled by happiness and joined by friends and family at your side.详情