

第1个回答  2024-05-29
1. 摇滚Rock and roll is a music genre that originated in the United States in the late 1940s. It became popular in the early 1950s and quickly spread around the world. Rock and roll, with its flexible and bold expression and passionate rhythms, is a genre that effectively communicates emotions. Widely loved by people around the globe, it surged in popularity during the 1960s and 1970s.
2. 流行音乐Popular music, translated from English, refers to a genre designed for mass consumption, primarily intended to generate profit. It encompasses commercial music entertainment and all the "industrial" phenomena associated with it.
3. 民谣Folk songs, which are popular and embody national characteristics, are referred to as folk songs or ballads. With a rich historical heritage, the authors of folk music are often unknown.
4. 重金属Heavy metal music, initially perceived by some as a progression from "hard rock," is a distinct genre. In reality, hard rock and heavy metal are not easily distinguishable, and people differ in their methods of classification. Some categorize music as hard rock if it was produced before the 1970s, and as heavy metal thereafter. However, most people consider them separate entities based on a historical perspective.
5. 古典音乐Classical music, in its broad sense, encompasses works from the Middle Ages to the present. It refers to Western classical compositions created under the mainstream European cultural backdrop. Distinct from popular and folk music, classical music stands out for its complex and diverse creative techniques and the profound connotations it can carry.
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