

第1个回答  2024-05-04
1. One day, a crow in possession of a piece of meat was spotted by a fox.
2. The fox, desiring the meat, found itself unable to reach it under the tree as the crow perched on a branch with the meat in its beak.
3. The fox adoption a cunning approach, inquired, "How are you, dear crow?" receiving no response.
4. Persisting, it asked, "And how is your child, dear crow?" yet again, the crow remained silent.
5. Undeterred, the fox complimented the crow's feathers, extolling their beauty and the crow's singing abilities.
6. Proud of its attributes, the crow couldn't resist the flattery and began to sing.
7. Unfortunately, as the crow opened its mouth to sing, the meat slipped from its beak, and the fox seized the opportunity to dash away with the prize.
The moral of the story is to beware of flatterers who may have ulterior motives, lest one's own carelessness lead to loss. This fable, penned by Aesop, the renowned Greek fabulist, serves as a microcosm of human society, revealing both its virtues and vices and teaching us the wisdom of navigating the complexities of the world with both elegance and discernment.