game over是什么意思


第1个回答  2023-08-07

game over意思是游戏结束。

game over有两种意思:游戏结束;终场。game over含义:游戏结束;终场。用法:Game Over翻译为汉语意思为“游戏结束”。这是电子游戏中最常见的话语,通常是表示游戏者闯关失败,没有通关或爆机。

game over造句

1、No score,no game over,no distractions.

2、A move in a board game over an opponent's piece.

3、They will have to play the game over again to decide the winner.

4、He's barely missed a game over 10 years and scored so many goals.

5、The last 2 years have learned that when borrowing cost reach is game over.

6、No one could take the game over down the stretch or hit the game winner or make the key free throws.

7、The Lakers have only one game over the next six days,a home contest Sunday against Golden State.

8、All some girls have to do is give me the'puppy dog'look,and it's game over.

9、Such unapologetically static analysis ignores the profound impact globalization has had on the game over the past decade.

10、I also knew that the teams he played on in the past did not have a closer.No one could take the game over down the stretch or hit the game winner or make the key free throws.