
RT 报了两个专业 一个LIfe Science 一个Software Engineering 今天早上收到一封邮件说是被Life Science 录取了,看它这么说好像是工程被拒了 可是上Quest 里面查看,工程的状态还是Application....所以这样算是被拒了吗?以下邮件原文:

Congratulations and welcome to the University of Waterloo! You’ve been admitted to Honours Life Sciences, Regular for fall 2016. You’ll note that your offer is not for the program you applied to. Competition for places in that program was especially high this year. However, given your academic record, we’re confident that you’ll be successful in your studies and will find the Waterloo experience rewarding. We hope you’ll be interested in this alternative offer and will give it your serious consideration.

第1个回答  2016-05-01
鉴于你同时申请了这两个专业,我觉得有可能是Software Engineering的院系先审核了你的offer,然后又看到你也申请了Life Science,把你交给Life Science了。纯属猜测。

但是你被录取了Life Science专业,这是一定的。2016年秋季入学(9月)。本回答被提问者和网友采纳