英语作文 送高分!!写得好追加高分!!

A long time ago, there was a Swan Lake on a small island in the south. An old fisherman and his wife lived there. The fisherman went fishing every day and his wife just stayed at home raising chickens and ducks. They were shut away from the outside world except shopping at the grocer’s.
One autumn, some swans came to the island from the far-away north to live through the winter. As they had been very lonely since they moved here, the old couple were so glad to see the swans there, so they fed them with small fish and chicken food. Soon, they became very close friends. The swans enjoyed themselves and went out with the old fisherman and saw him fishing. When the lake was frozen, the couple brought them into their hut and gave them food. Even when winter was over, the swans were unwilling to leave away from the fisherman, looking for food on the lake in the daytime and resting on the island at night. The old couple looked after them carefully until spring came when the ice on the lake melted. For many years, the old couple did so. But one day, the old couple became very ill and died. Since then, the swans could not find anybody to take care of them and finally they died of cold when winter came and the lake froze.
(1) 请你对“渔夫夫妇”的做法或者“天鹅”接受“渔夫夫妇”的关爱导致的结果进行评价,并说出理由;
(2) 假如你是“渔夫夫妇”或者“天鹅”,你该怎么做?

第1个回答  2014-02-21
Real love
In the above fable, the old couple has shown us their valuable moral characters of being kind, friendly, considerate and unselfish to the swans, which made them unwilling to leave. ( 30 ) There is no denying that the couple loved the swans so much that they spared no efforts to help the swans. Helpful as it was at that moment, it would gradually weaken the swans’ living ability and cultivated the habit of laziness. Eventually, they took all the help for granted and completely depend on others. In the long run, this kind of love isn’t the real one. Had I been the couple, I wouldn’t have done the favor to them unconditionally. Instead, I would have forced them to live independently, which might be cruel but would prove to be adequate. The harmful love is to arrange everything perfectly for him while the real love is to give him wings which results in lifelong .
第2个回答  2008-09-04