

第1个回答  2013-10-15
Be ill time the child , be stone-deaf , be blind in both eyes. Anne · Shaliwen has held the post of her tutor when being seven-year-old, herefrom, has become her mentor , has got along with reaching 50. Entrance studies greatly under helping in Shaliwen,graduate with outstanding achievement. During the period of university, have written "my life story " , have given an account of her how to defeat a disease and deformity , having been brought about by deformed man and regular people by the thousands and tens of thousands stimulate. This book is translated into 50 kinds language , is circulated in all the countries in the world. Have written a lot of characters and several autobiography hereafter nature novel, indicate dark and quiet not existence. Afterwards Jile has become preeminent social reform a family , has made a speech to USA everywhere , to Europe , Asia, be that blind person , the deaf-mute raise a fund. Soldier who can't visit a hospital many , extends one's regards to during two war, to go blind, her spirit is respected by people. In 1964 be conferred maximal honour ? C Presidential Medal of Freedom in the United States citizen , be elected for world one of distinguished ten women the next year. Helen Keller The Wu Yun big bell , life in 1917 , original family home Hubei Wuhan, are born in Jiangxi Ping Xiang City. Early years pawns a miner once in Anyuan coal mine. The whole nation fights the invading army after breaking out , the Wu Yun big bell makes light of traveling a thousand li , gallops to Anhui Nan Yun Ling , participates in the New Fourth Army in 1938 , joins Communist Party of China in 1939. The tube the host is designed developing the successful gun pomegranate, participates in the contribution having designed mine various such as making 37 millimeters of flat fire gun and treading fire at the regular time, having been that the firepower composes out improve an armed force. Many times has been injured , has lost the left eye in the ammunition producing and developing a weapon, the left hand , right leg cripple , more than 20 time of operation pass, have several tens places of shell fragment left on one's body not taking out , still, defeat disability with indomitable stamina , insist that battle is in the forefront of production. He said "Need only my alive day, I definitely am that Party is the people job day ". Central authority the People Government Government Administration Council and All-China Federation of Trade Unions award him the title specially inviting a national model worker in October , 1951, him is praised and being Chinese "guarantee your · Ke examining a gold.

吴运铎,1917年生,祖籍湖北武汉,生于江西萍乡。早年曾在安源煤矿当矿工。全国抗战爆发后,吴运铎不远千里,奔向皖南云岭,1938年参加新四军, 1939年加入中国共产党。主持设计研制成功枪榴筒,参与设计制造37毫米平射炮以及定时、踏火等各种地雷,为提高部队火力做出了贡献。在生产与研制武器弹药中多次负伤,失去了左眼,左手、右腿致残,经过20余次手术,身上还留有几十处弹片没有取出,仍以顽强毅力战胜伤残,坚持战斗在生产第一线。他说: “只要我活着一天,我一定为党为人民工作一天。”1951年10月,中央人民政府政务院和全国总工会授予他特邀全国劳动模范称号,并将他誉为中国的“保尔 ·柯察金.