
我是加拿大阿尔伯塔大学mathematic and economics 的大一新生,大一上学期GPA3.5,现在在纠结第二年究竟是转本校的商科还是继续念数学, 以后想从事数据分析,数学建模相关的经济金融工作。有没有可能转校成功而且成功转学分(因为不在一个省)。滑铁卢大学的coop项目转校生能申请吗?数学系念出来真的很难找到工作吗?希望能得到有效的建议,谢谢!

第1个回答  2015-01-06
GPA3.5, I am not pretty sure whether you can study in our school. You need to know, most of my friends have gpa 4. However, you should try. You can apply COOP, but that will be really really hard. Statistics is a really good major, but you will face many competitions. Hope it helps. If you have further questions, you can ask me. I study in Waterloo. Sorry for using english to respond. This computer only allows me to write in English.本回答被网友采纳