求8段介绍关于吴健雄的 要英文的


第1个回答  2008-07-24
  Wu (1912 ~ 1997) Chinese-American female physicists. May 31, 1912, born in Jiangsu river, in 1934 graduated from the Nanjing Central University. 1936 University of California, the United States to study abroad, a doctorate in 1940.

  Physicist Yuan in 1942 and married in the United States. 1952 as an associate professor at Columbia University, was promoted to professor in 1958, the same year was elected to the U.S. Academy of Sciences. Pubin 1972 has served as Chair Professor, 1980 retirement. 1975 American Physical Society was the first female president.

  Wu mainly engaged in nuclear physics and the weak interaction, and other aspects of the experimental study. The main contribution is that in 1957 with β decay experiments proved that the weak interaction in the宇称不守恒. 1956, Wu β decay in the area for some excellent experiment. 1956 Li Zhengdao, Yang Chen-ning to β decay in the process of parity may not be conserved, Wu immediately led her group has conducted an experiment: in a very low temperature (0.01 K) with strong magnetic field under the direction of Cobalt-60 nuclear spin Polarization (almost all of the spin in the same direction), then observe the Cobalt-60 nuclear β decay to the release of the electronic radio direction.

  She found that the vast majority of electronic direction of a radio and Cobalt-60 is the nucleus of the spin in opposite directions. That is to say, the cobalt-60 nuclear spin orientation and its e-β decay to the direction of a radio left hand spiral, without a right hand spiral. If parity conservation, the two directions should be equal opportunity, which must be symmetrical. Now right hand spiral two situations obviously not equal opportunity, so the experimental results confirmed the weak interaction in the宇称不守恒. This entire physics community has very far-reaching implications.

  Modern physics in the development of a number of other important theoretical issue or controversy, Wu through a series of experiments, have been resolved and that to some extent or clarification. In 1963 she β decay series of experiments proved that nuclear β decay in the vector-conservation law, the first time in the history of physics experiments confirmed by the electromagnetic interaction with the weak interaction between closely related to the weak after calls made from the Unified Theory An important role. In 1959 Mossbauer effect found, it Wu had an in-depth study will Mossbauer spectroscopy for the structure of biological macromolecules in the study.

  In order to confirm the number in the light of the weak role in the effectiveness of conservation laws, such as Wu in the depth of more than 2,000 feet of pure salt mine in the placement of the two-β decay measurement equipment to prove that the light of more than a few conservation to 10-3. As early as 1950 years ago, she has been done on the quantum mechanics of a basic philosophy of the experiment, the results show that the negative electron and positron-yu said the opposite. In 1970 she made a further test of this group, at a higher level of support for the legitimacy of the laws of quantum mechanics, once again denying hidden variable theory. In addition, she particles or radiation detector for quite a number of contributions.

  Wu won his outstanding contribution to the lofty honor. 1958 Princeton University awarded her the title of Honorary Doctor of Science, which is the first time the University conferred an honorary degree this woman. She also received 15 other University of honorary degrees.

  President of the United States awarded her the National Science Medal in 1975. In 1978 she won the international Wolf Foundation awarded the first prize. She employed as Nanjing University, Beijing University, China Science and Technology University School of Honorary Professor, Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, high-energy physics academic committee members.







