

第1个回答  2020-11-25
如给学生画个笑脸,或写一个单词,像Great ,come on,you will be better,you will succeed ...都有鼓励的作用。
Will you please do you work better next time ?

·Well,your handwriting is very good .

·Wonderfu l,your English is very good and your written answer are clear throughout.

·That’s great ! please keep up the work . success comes by hardwork and constant efforts.

·You are an excellent student who has an aturalgift for language.

·Y’d like to see your development of your written and oral skills in English .

You are great . I’m proud of you .

·You’ve made fabulous progress and I don't doubt that you’ll succeed .

·Wonderful ! I appreciate what you have done in your exercise-book and believe you’ll be successful in your English study .

·I’ll be glad to see that you will do your homework better next time .

·Ihis is the best homework I’ve seen today.

· The harder you work ,the sooner you’ll improve .
第2个回答  2020-11-25

2009-06-01 16:27

1.All right!好!行!


3.Right on!正确!
7.Good for you!你真行!
8.Good job!做得好!太棒了! Good work!做得好!

9.You're doing a good job!你干得真棒!
10.Good remembering!好记性!
11.Good thinking!好思路!好想法!
12.Keep it up!坚持到底!保持下去!
13.Keep on trying! 继续试!继续做!

14. Keep up the good work.继续做!
16.That's good! / Great!真棒!

17.That's better!/ That's very much better!/那更好!

18. That's the best ever!那再好不过!

19. That's the best you've ever done!这是你做得最好的一次。
20. Come on. You can do it. 来吧!你能做到的。
21.That's it!正是!/ That's right!好!行!对!
22.That's not bad!不错!/Not too bad!还可以!
23.That's a good girl/boy!真是个好孩子!
24.That's really nice!挺好的!
25.Well done!做得好!
27. Have a try, please!请试一试!

28. Try again, please!请再试一试!
29.I knew you could do it!我知道你能行!
30.I'm very proud of you!我为你而自豪!
31.I'm proud of the way you worked today!我为你今天能这样做而自豪!
32.I think you've got it now.我想你现在明白了。
33.I've never seen anyone do it better!我从未看到有人做得这么好!
34.Nothing can stop you now!现在什么也难不道你了!
35.One more time and you'll have it!再试试你就成功了!
36.That's the right way to do it!这样做就对了!
37.That's quite an improvement!这进步不小啊!
38.Well, look at you go!哦!看你的了!
39.You're as good as gold!你表现得真好!

40.You are really working hard today!你今天真用功!
41.You did that very well!做得真好!
42.You've got it made!你已经做对了!
43.You're doing fine!做得不错!
44.You're really improving!你确实在进步!
45.You certainly did well today!你今天做得真不错!
46.You are getting better everday!你每天都在进步!