
第1个回答  2019-03-28
I usuall get up at seven in order to carch up the first bus to go to school .on arriving school, I always have my breakfast at a small restaurant which near my dorm .after that , I take classes as usual until twelve.seldom do I order delivery because I think it’s both unhealthy and expensive.therefore , I have lunch in our refectory and then I will take a nap to gain enough energy for afternoons classes due to the massi academic stress .as time goes by , I have to come home as soon as possible so that I can have dinn with my parents .they have always been busy . To learn well is the first duty of a student ,which is crystal clear to me .thus I often review what I learned today and get my assignments done .at last ,if time permits, I will take a hot bath and then go to bed .追答

