After a meal, which of the following has the most effect on thermogenic effect of food?

D.Mixed food

第1个回答  2023-10-26
Th aswr is b. Aftr a mal is igstd, th mtablic rat icrass as a rsult f th diffrt chmical ractis assciatd with digsti, absrpti, ad strag f fd i th bdy. This is calld th thrmgic ffct f fd, bcaus ths prcsss rquir rgy ad grat hat. Aftr a mal that ctais a larg quatity f carbhydrats r fats, th mtablic rat usually icrass abut 4 pr ct. Hwvr, aftr a high-prti mal, th mtablic rat usually bgis risig withi a hur, rachig a maximum f abut 30 pr ct abv rmal, ad this lasts fr 3 t 12 hurs. This ffct f prti th mtablic rat is calld th spcific dyamic acti f prti. Th thrmgic ffct f fd accuts fr abut 8 pr ct f th ttal daily rgy xpditur i may ppl.