

在学习、工作、生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是我为大家收集的我的爸爸六年级作文6篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 我的爸爸六年级作文 篇1 我的爸爸个子不高,脸有点黑,但是身体很健康,说话更是幽默。爸爸是很时尚的工程师。 一次,爸爸偶然的一次机会,迷上了麻将,叫他戒也戒不掉,还撒谎骗妈妈,我们也多次劝他,他都不听,还说这是工作应酬,眼看这个美好的家庭就被破坏了。 有一天,他又去打麻将,在电话里,他对妈妈说去加班了,但妈妈听见了麻将碰撞声,就断定这是在打麻将。到了很晚爸爸才回家,还说今天是应酬,其实爸爸是为了不让妈妈操心,撒谎也是善意的,爸爸是非常负责的好爸爸。 有一次,爸爸风趣地对我说:“咱俩签一个合约吧!”我爽快的答应,合约的内容是:如果乙方小同学能在一个星期作业写得非常好,上课非常认真的话,那么甲方就答应乙方一个要求或是一个愿望愿望。甲方是孩子,乙方是爸爸。 结果,一个星期很快就过去了,我高兴的跑过了对爸爸说:“爸爸,你去看吧,我一星期的作业都完成的非常好,现在只等你的愿望实现了。”爸爸也胸有成竹地说:“你要什么愿望,尽管说,要不我给你买个变形金刚吧!”我说:“好,一言为定!”爸爸说。就这样,爸爸不但答应了我的要求而且还实现了我的愿望。 我的爸爸真是个守信用的好爸爸,我们还经常一起玩游戏,我在爸爸身上学到的好多做人的道理。 我的爸爸六年级作文 篇2 我有一个即严肃又幽默的爸爸。爸爸幽默时总能让我们开怀大笑,然而严肃时我们全都哑口无言。 记得那是一个阳光明媚的早上,我正在家里写作业,突然,一道盈亏问题截住了我的去路。我立马拿去问爸爸。只间爸爸火冒三丈的说:“这么简单的都不会,猪脑啊!自己想去。”我听后撅着嘴走了。时间过去了一分钟……两分钟……我还是不会。就又去问爸爸。爸爸说:“这次就给你讲了,给我记住了,下一次可不一定了。”爸爸带着怒气给我把这道题讲完了。我呼一口气,回到了自己的房间。 怎么样我爸爸多霸气吧! 我的爸爸六年级作文 篇3 说起爸爸,每个人都有。今天我就来向你们介绍介绍我的爸爸。 我的老爸是一名铁路工人。可能是跟职业有关系吧,常年在外奔波劳苦,使他的脸黑黑的,乌黑的头发下面两只眼睛炯炯有神。老爸41岁,一米七的个头 儿,虽然有点矮,但是力气却不小。我爸为人也十分热情,每次招待客人都笑容满面的,当客人走的时候,也是笑着送走客人。看着客人有宾至如归的感觉,他才欣 然一笑。 我的爸爸会一种特技,就是手影。老爸的手影时而像一匹骏马在草原上奔驰;时而像一只小狗,看家护院;时而像一群人,唠着家常;时而像一个火箭,飞上云天;时而像一只小猫活蹦乱跳……每次我和我的家人看到以后,都会被逗的哈哈大笑,老爸都成我家的欢乐豆了。 还有象棋,以前我给大家说过,今天就不说了。 就说说羽毛球吧,他对羽毛球颇有研究,怎样打才能打好,怎样打才能让羽毛球打到对方的球场上去。今天,我就跟大家透露一下。 首先,和对手挑低球,一定要耐心,等他不耐烦了,你就可以趁机挑高球,来一个大力扣杀,使他防不胜防。还有一招,就是发球,先发一个低球,让他挑高球,然后你再大力扣杀。 这就是我的老爸,当初我妈和他结婚的时候,还不知道他是个多面手呢!我爱我的爸爸。 我的爸爸六年级作文 篇4 我的爸爸可不是一般的爸爸,怎么不一般呢?听我给你一一道来。 我的爸爸是一位老师,有点丢三落四,早上上班时,他经常有东西没有带。 有时,走到楼下,想抽烟时,才想起打火机没有带;有时,放学走到门口,又想起菜没有带;有时,回到家后,开电脑时发现光碟又没有带。怎么样?我的爸爸很丢三落四吧? 爸爸虽然记性有点不好,但对我还是很不错的。睡觉时,爸爸生怕我冻着了,每天晚上都要起来好几回,看看我的被子是否盖好了;同样,爸爸还是我学习上的好伙伴,做作业时,我犯了错误,爸爸总是不厌其烦地教导我,牵引我,批评我时,我总会虚心地接受。 爸爸是个近视眼,也是个“大网虫”。他每天早晨起来做的第一件事就是开电脑。不过,爸爸开电脑可不是为了玩游戏,他是为了工作和学习。爸爸工作时就备备教案,打打稿子。爸爸学习时,就看看新闻,或看看别人是怎样上课的。有时,觉得累了,没事干的时候,就会上网看看电影,或帮我下载一些动画片和作文,让我去看,去读。 怎么样?我的爸爸像不像一个多功能的“机器人”呢? 我的爸爸六年级作文 篇5 记录我的爸爸作文六年级作文700字(三) 期中测试快到了,童鞋们在紧张地温习着,惟有自信充足的我,没有把测试当作一回事,仍然玩耍。那日吃过下午饭后,我对老爸说:“老爸,今天科学课;,我们学习了怎样从多方位去思考问题。老爸听了,灵机一动:“越昂雄,老爸正在碰上个问题,你可以帮着我解决下吗? 我满口答应(可是我万万没料到这是老爸设的“套”啊!)。“我们上班的地方有个门卫上班时睡觉了,我有三种方法处治他。"老爸慢条斯理地讲道“第一个方法是扣他薪水;第二个是让他去检查其它同事上班时有没有睡觉;第三个是检讨书。 ”“应该罚他写4000字的`检讨!我话音刚落,老爸飞快接口:“行啊,要是你这一回期中测试没有考好,也罚你写4000字的检讨。"好。“我满口答应了老爸。哎,中考作文因为过份自信,还有粗心大意,我的物理竟然只考了85多分。 就如此,我掉进了老爸的“圈套”。从那之后,我再不敢狂妄自大了,这一回处治写4000字的事,也叫我“记事”了。我的爸爸作文。 我的爸爸六年级作文 篇6 说起我的爸爸,他非常平凡也非常普通,可就是这样一位平凡而普通的爸爸却给了我不平凡的爱。他那浓浓的眉毛下衬着一双敏锐的眼睛,仿佛什么事也瞒不过他,宽宽的额角上,深深地刻着几条显示出坚强意志的皱纹,他的嘴边常挂着慈祥的笑容,身躯魁梧却稍有些发胖。 每当我犯错时,爸爸非常少打我训我,而是耐心地告诉我为什么错了,这样做会造成什么后果,总之,他的一席话总能说服我下次不再犯同样的错误;而每当我考试考得不好时,爸爸总会把试卷仔仔细细地看一遍,如果是我粗心大意,他就会让我下次注意,如果是因为不会做而扣分,他就会耐心地给我讲解,直到我听懂为止。 和爸爸在一起,我总能从他的只言片语中受到启迪和教育。记得有一次,我在管理班级时遇到了挫折,和一位同学闹了别扭,那位同学向老师告了状,老师把我批评了一顿,当时,我心里有说不出的委屈。当我回家时,爸爸并没有安慰我,而是给我讲了一个故事:“有个小女孩在森林里看到了二只蛹,她突然发现其中一只蛹破了个小洞,里面有只蝴蝶正在拼命地往外挣扎,小女孩觉得这只蝴蝶挺可怜的,就用剪刀把这只蛹剪破了,里面的蝴蝶出来了,可却怎么也飞不动。小女孩正在纳闷,这时,另一只蛹里的蝴蝶冲了出来,飞上了蓝天……”讲完这个故事,爸爸又和颜悦色地说:“每个人都会遇到挫折,问题是你怎样面对这个挫折。你希望成为其中的哪一只蝴蝶呢?假如你想成为第一只蝴蝶,那么,你的翅膀就永远也长不硬,以后也就不能走向社会。所以,当你遇到挫折时,千万不要气馁,而是应该多想想怎样去解决,这就是个非常好的例子!”听完爸爸的话,我想:“爸爸说得真对,我是不应该逃避这个挫折,而应该面对啊!”从此,当我遇到挫折时,我总会想起这个故事和爸爸说的话,是爸爸给了我追求的勇气,也给了我前进的动力。他的话真让我受益匪浅啊! 瞧!这就是我的爸爸,我爱我的爸爸!
第1个回答  2016-08-10
My father is very interested in watching NBA tennis match.

My father is very interested in watching NBA tennis match.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2016-08-10
My father is interested in watching NBA matches.
第3个回答  2023-06-25
All the students stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom.
2.She always think of others first instead of herself.
3.All the children had fun yesterday. 4.He spent half an hour listening to music every day because he loves it.5.Does the boy often share his toys with his friends ?6.It takes only 40 minutes to get to the centre of Beijing by underground.7.How many hamburgers do you eat yesterday ?8.How brave the 10-year-old boy is !9.He couldn‘t ride a bicycle last year.10.How clever the children are !11.You should take good care of yourself when you are at home alone.12.You can’t play football in the street.13.Shall we go swimming together tomorrow?14.Is the boy in white your classmate?15.He often runs around the park after dinner.16.I returned the book to the library yesterday.17.Those giraffes belong to that park.18.I don‘t like to go out alone at night.19.It is important to keep children away from danger.20.We are happy enough to go to the zoo with you.21.I will show my parents around ’The bird's nest‘ tomorrow.22.Turn right at the third crossroads.23.Could you tell me the way to the shopping center?24.I will play badminton with my brother after school.25.Bill could win the match because he did well in tennis.26.The child cried in the street because he got lost.27.Children must keep away from water and fire.28.She is a careful student and she always listens to the teacher carefully.29.Simon lives in a flat in the center of Shanghai.30.His sister is a hardworking girl and she practises playing thepiano every day.31.—Excuse me,how can I get to “Garden building’?— Go in the direction of the park and turn left at the first crossing.32.Paul tried to open the back door with the knife and he succeeded.33. When you see a bridge, cross the bridge and then turn left, go straight to a wooden house.34.How wonderful the football match was !35.I like staying at home alone at weekends.36.Look,they are preparing for the coming program !37.Make sure to do some exercise every day if you want to keep fit .38.My father is very interested in watching the NBA basketball games.39.Believe it or not,the little Tom could swim at 3.40.It takes 3 hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai.
第4个回答  2023-06-13
All the students stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom.
2.She always think of others first instead of herself.
3.All the children had fun yesterday. 4.He spent half an hour listening to music every day because he loves it.5.Does the boy often share his toys with his friends ?6.It takes only 40 minutes to get to the centre of Beijing by underground.7.How many hamburgers do you eat yesterday ?8.How brave the 10-year-old boy is !9.He couldn‘t ride a bicycle last year.10.How clever the children are !11.You should take good care of yourself when you are at home alone.12.You can’t play football in the street.13.Shall we go swimming together tomorrow?14.Is the boy in white your classmate?15.He often runs around the park after dinner.16.I returned the book to the library yesterday.17.Those giraffes belong to that park.18.I don‘t like to go out alone at night.19.It is important to keep children away from danger.20.We are happy enough to go to the zoo with you.21.I will show my parents around ’The bird's nest‘ tomorrow.22.Turn right at the third crossroads.23.Could you tell me the way to the shopping center?24.I will play badminton with my brother after school.25.Bill could win the match because he did well in tennis.26.The child cried in the street because he got lost.27.Children must keep away from water and fire.28.She is a careful student and she always listens to the teacher carefully.29.Simon lives in a flat in the center of Shanghai.30.His sister is a hardworking girl and she practises playing thepiano every day.31.—Excuse me,how can I get to “Garden building’?— Go in the direction of the park and turn left at the first crossing.32.Paul tried to open the back door with the knife and he succeeded.33. When you see a bridge, cross the bridge and then turn left, go straight to a wooden house.34.How wonderful the football match was !35.I like staying at home alone at weekends.36.Look,they are preparing for the coming program !37.Make sure to do some exercise every day if you want to keep fit .38.My father is very interested in watching the NBA basketball games.39.Believe it or not,the little Tom could swim at 3.40.It takes 3 hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai.